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News and tips — urban

Practicing the Urban Scooter!

bureau déplacement moving scooter trottinette urbain urban ville

Practicing the Urban Scooter!

Sit in the cafe, enjoy the sun, watch the street, the traffic, the city in motion. And you will see what you have never seen before: Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards.

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déplacement electric électrique moving scooter trotinette trottinette urbain urban


Electric motorization is a mobility solution that seems to be popular in urban areas, especially with the deployment of electric SCOOTERs in capital cities. Is this a solution that addresses the problem of the last mile?

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I don't want my Scooter stolen

bike cadenas scooter trottinette urbain urban vélo vol

I don't want my Scooter stolen

To avoid theft, it is essential to attach your scooter to a fixed and solid point, preferably on a place of passage, so that an attempted theft is quickly spotted and reported.

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Electric Bike or Electric Scooter?

electric électrique pédales pedals trottinette urbain urban vélo

Electric Bike or Electric Scooter?

The scooter and the bicycle, both electric, are intended for use and experience different .

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