The urban mobility is a fairly recent concept which bears witness to the evolution of lifestyles. Today, there are more people living in cities than in the countryside. But this influx into the cities and the increase in population, which augurs well for future megalopolises, is not without creating new problems. We must be able to meet mobility needs. In this regard, we note that city dwellers tend to spread out their home-work journeys over time and also travel for other reasons (leisure, cultural tourism, sporting activities), day and night.
So how?
The increased need for trips in cities and awareness of automobile -related nuisances (pollution, CO2, noise, congestion) have led town halls and public authorities to set up transportation policies . These policies aim to provide alternative travel solutions to the car and to develop the public transport, the bike or scooter . The various shared vehicle solutions, such as the self-service bicycle , car sharing with some electric cars or not will lead to a new approach to the car, in particular its depersonalization for use-to-use.
New mobile technologies are also contributing to the remodeling of the city: there are smartphone applications and websites for planning trips, finding out about timetables and getting around differently.
An example is the organization J'ai Ma Passe for the promotion of the Réseau Structurant de transport en commun de la ville de Québec.
COVID-19 has also disrupted lifestyles. The population discovers and rediscovers the scooter and the bicycle. And that's good.

So, what is your travel choice?
Jeff Theberge